Got a home soundproofing project that you are considering tackling yourself? The good news is that most home soundproofing tasks are quite simple and can be handled by anyone that is a little handy. This soundproofing guide will help you. However, before you get started here is some information to help you make good decisions on what soundproofing products and[…]
Soundproofing an existing party wall between 2 apartments:
Problem: Reduce airborne noise coming through existing party wall in apartment building Possible Solutions: Simple Solution: Add a layer of Mass Loaded Vinyl to the existing wall. Then add a layer of acoustic plasterboard over the top & paint. (for high level noise use heavier MLV or multiple layers of MLV & Plasterboard) Next level solution: Add a layer of[…]
Soundproofing Noisy Pool Pumps, & Air Con compressors etc
Got a noisy pool pump, air conditioning compressor, generator or other machinery? We hear this complaint daily. ” HELP! The sound of my pool pump or air conditioning compressor is driving me crazy, I can’t sleep, what can I do?” Sometimes the sound levels can be extreme, but don’t worry, there’s a fix to all noisy pool pumps, air con[…]
What is Mass loaded vinyl?
“What is Mass Loaded Vinyl?” is a question we get asked a lot, when we mention this product to someone looking to soundproof something. This is very surprising to us as Mass Loaded Vinyl or MLV, as its known for short, has been around for decades & is widely used in any application where soundproofing is required. So, in this article we are going to answer many of the questions people normally ask about MLV.
So, What is Mass Loaded Vinyl? Put simply, Mass Loaded Vinyl (MLV) is a versatile soundproofing material used to reduce noise from one space to another by blocking sound transmission through any structure it is attached to. It’s appearance is a dense, flexible, and extremely thin sheet made from a combination of minerals mixed with vinyl or other polymers. MLV is most often black or dark grey in colour. Read More
What are the benefits of Mass loaded vinyl?
What are the benefits of Mass loaded vinyl? Mass Loaded Vinyl (MLV) offers several benefits when used as a soundproofing material. Its unique properties make it a popular choice for reducing airborne sound transmission and creating quieter and more comfortable environments. Here are some key benefits of using Mass Loaded Vinyl: Read More
8 Tips for Soundproofing Your Shed
Sheds make the perfect place to house a new drum kit, guitar or massive sound system. If you fail in soundproofing your shed your neighbors may not be too excited about your new purchase.
Soundproofing your shed is necessary if you want to be able to use your drum kit in there without making enemies or if you simply want to use it as a place to reduce the sound of your generator. Read More
Acoustic Insulation for Floors
At Soundproofing Products Australia, we sell acoustic underlay, but the truth of the matter is you may not need acoustic underlay for floating floors. Read More
Insulation Panels for Walls: What Are They?
Acoustic insulation panels for walls, acoustic baffles, sound panels, and acoustic boards. The list of names continues. Call it whatever you prefer, just like many manufacturers do. Read More
Acoustic Underlay for Laminate Flooring – What is it?
At Soundproofing Products Australia, we sell acoustic flooring underlay, but the truth of the matter is you may not need acoustic flooring underlay for laminate flooring.
You might be living in a condo with no acoustic regulation or designing/constructing a building in a location where there is no building code legislation which stipulates you must use it.
But we can educate you on what it is, why it exists and where it is commonly used so you can make an educated decision on whether it is something you need to buy or specify to the benefit of your customers. Read More
Acoustic Paneling Wall – Achieve a quiet peaceful space
Acoustic wall panels, acoustic baffles, sound panels, and acoustic boards. The list of names continues. Call it whatever you prefer, just like many manufacturers do. For sake of clarity, we stick to acoustic panels in this post. Despite the descriptive name, you will find various interpretations, both wide and narrow along with different use cases.
Therefore, in this guide, we will dive into the basics of acoustic panels. More specifically, we will answer the following questions… Read More